She helps her mom sell crab

This blurry photo means a lot to me. I knew I was going to be asked to talk at an upcoming event and I wanted to find something that would help me illustrate the emotions I am surrounded with as I journey through life. I told Dario that we need to find somewhere with a lot of people so I
could get my bearings and shoot some b-roll footage. We headed to the open air market because there's always a ton of people there. I was really hoping we could find a little girl helping her mom pay some bills. Dario went out and found the little girl in this photo. She was walking around holding a big pan with a couple of small crabs. The more I looked at her the more it hit me. She may or may not ever have a future more than that in her life unless something changes, somebody comes along and shows her the path. That thought really got me. I had only been looking for B-roll shots but the more I stood there the more I wanted to hug that little girl and bring some light to her life. I had not intended to do any talking on camera at the moment. But the more I stood there, the more I needed to say a few words. I told Dario to roll the camera and I talked my heart. I talked about what our responsibility is to each other and how we all have a responsibility to do our best to lift each other up. I sat there with my arm around her and she was shaking. She was so nervous. I hope that someday in her future she will remember that moment and perhaps know that she was very special to me in that moment and she will always be important to me for the rest of forever. Oh that we could help all the children, all the people we run across to find a brighter future filled with hope and dreams is my prayer everyday. For those of us who have achieved dreams we owe a debt to humanity to do our best to bring hope to those who may feel hopelessness. "Love one another as He has loved you"
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