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OBON Cemetery Visit Schedule 2023

Obon Cemetery Visits are coming up! We will hold brief services at various cemeteries in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. We enjoy having people join us at the cemeteries as we set up a portable altar and chant in honor of all the deceased. Here is our full schedule and map. Here is the full schedule and map *Wed, July 26 9:00am Ontario Evergreen 9:50am Payette Riverside 10:20am Weiser, Hillcrest 11:15am (Pacific Time) Baker City 2:00pm (Mountain time) New Plymouth Parkview *Thurs, July 27 Obon Cemetery Visit 10:30am Emmett *Friday, July 28 Obon Cemetery...

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  This Sunday July 23, 2023 at 11:00am we will have our hybrid Obon/Hatsubon Service at IOBT. This service honors all our ancestors who have passedand includes a special memorial for our members and friends who have died in the last 12 months ("Hatsubon" means the first Obon after a person's death). If joining us in person, come to the temple! Our last Obon/Hatsubon Service in 2023 was held under the awning after the fire. Now, we are back in the hondo (main hall of the temple)! If you want to join remotely, message us for the Zoom link. Come and see our progress. There is a lot of...

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Buddhism is for All Ages

Sometimes people ask Rev. Kathy and me how to share the Buddhist teachings with families and children.  The truth is that all people, no matter our age, ability, or status, face problems that the Buddhist teachings can help us with.  > Photo: Children have always been a part of the Idaho-Oregon Buddhist Temple community.  People of all ages share the same kinds of feelings--we all have hopes and fears and we all experience a wide range of emotions.  We all get frustrated, feel lonely or hurt, and get angry and upset.  We all suffer in similar ways no...

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Japan Nite Obon Festival, July 15, 2023

Saturday, July 15, 2023, Four Rivers Cultural Center, Hikaru Mizu Garden. 5:00 PM food service begins 6:00 PM Sangha Taiko performs 6:30 PM Presentation by Park Ranger Emily Teraoka, Minidoka 7:00 PM Odori   Food service is contracted  to Matsy's; food, drink, dessert (if any).    Ask a Minister Booth; Rev. Kathy and Rev. Anne will be on hand to talk, answer questions, etc.  We may also have limited merchandise available for sale.   Odori practice will by July 9, 11 & 13, 630PM-8PM at the Iseri Office (where we've been holding service).    Come...

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