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HOONKO: Repaying a Debt of Gratitude

January 14, 2022   “In gratitude to Amida, the Buddha-as-words, I dedicate my whole being to realizing Buddha’s intent. In gratitude to the masters of teachings and the countless good Dharma friends among our ancestors, I dedicate my total efforts to spreading the Nenbutsu.”   Translation of the Ondokusan from Shinran Shonin’s Shozomatsu Wasan #59. (Translation by Rev. Kakei Nakagawa, Rinban of Fresno Betsuin based on Bishop Kenryu Tsuji’s writings)   (Shinran Shonin Image from Idaho-Oregon Buddhist Temple Altar) . January is the month for a major service called...

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Happy Imperfect New Year

December 29, 2021 The start of a new year offers us the hope of a new beginning, a fresh start, a clean slate. As we begin the new year, many people make plans to improve their lives through New Year’s resolutions. And it is polite and kind to wish others happiness, prosperity, good health, love, and good fortune in the coming year.  These are great traditions—maintaining hope and offering good will to our neighbors are important. But it’s also important to approach the new year with a sense of humility and realism. Buddhism reminds us that the world of samsara is imperfect and impermanent and...

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Seeing is Believing (or is it?)

December 11, 2021 With many different winter holidays coming up, I wanted to reflect on how we think about these holidays and our relation to each other. These holidays mean different things to different cultures. Here in the U.S. many people look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. But there are lots of other holidays that are celebrated here and around the world. Here are just a few examples: Kwanzaa (Pan-African), Hanukkah (Jewish), Bodhi Day (Buddhist), Las Posadas (Latin America), Boxing Day (Canada), Ōmisoka (Japan), or even Kramer’s favorite, Festivus. Some people here in the U.S....

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Expressing our Gratitude: Four Conversation Starters

November 19, 2021   One way that we express our gratitude is by placing our hands together in "gassho" as seen here in this picture taken in 1959 when our beautiful gingko tree was planted by the Gomonshu, the leader of our Jodo Shinshu Buddhist tradition.    Last month we celebrated Eitaikyo, a Japanese Buddhist tradition which expresses our appreciation for those who have gone before us.  This month we celebrate Thanksgiving, a very American tradition which also focuses on gratitude. These two very different occasions are reminders of the value of gratitude across...

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Northwest District Buddhist Convention and 75th Anniversary of IOBT September 2022

October 31, 2021   September of 2022 will be here soon and we are trying to gear up for A BIG EVENT that combines the 75th Northwest District Convention AND the 75th Anniversary of Idaho-Oregon Buddhist Temple.  The theme for our event is "Reflecting on the Past; Looking to the Future."    This is our poster announcing the event.  It has pictures of all our IOBT resident ministers from our first minister in the upper right to our current minister in the upper left.  Can you name them all?!? As we begin the planning stages...

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Masking—Not the Covid Kind

October 06, 2021     The first thing that comes to mind for the month of October is Halloween, along with costumes, candy, and masks. It’s fun to walk along the store aisles stocked with Halloween costumes and candy and think about how you’d like to disguise yourself. However, my attention is always on the candy since I’m not much for getting into costume. I say that I don’t like to dress up in costume, but I can say that I have a number of masks that I wear. I’m sure that all of us have occasion to wear a mask or two. The masks I’m talking about are ones that we use in...

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